December will be here before we know it. We can start our effort by bringing in the incidental items and leaving them in the box in the coat closet by the narthex. Please bring as many of the following items as you can: UPDATE: 12/06
We are still looking for a twin size mattress for one of our adopt-a-families. So if anyone is able to purchase or donate a like new mattress, it would be greatly appreciated. Any questions call Janet McCauley @ 304-372-2675. Thank you. UPDATE: 11/19 As you may have heard, our church has adopted 34 families this year, which includes 48 children. We also are packing food only boxes for 10 other families. Many of you have chosen families, however, there are still families who need to be adopted. On a table in the narthex you will find a master list of those families we have adopted. You may choose a family, write your name on the master list so that someone else will not adopt them, and then take a copy of the spread sheet so you have a reference as to their needs. Remember, you are just responsible for "overseeing" the boxes for your family. Others may be purchasing the clothing items and gifts. Thanks to all who have signed up already and thanks in advance to those who do so this week. Your generosity of time, money and talent helps to make this a happier Christmas for "our families." We will be putting the boxes together beginning on Monday, Dec. 9. If you have taken a tag for a clothing item or toy, please have the wrapped items to the church by no later than the 10th so we have time to be sure that all needs have been met. Families will be asked to pick up their boxes at the church on Thursday, Dec. 12. If you can help that day, please let a member of Rose Circle know. Every year, Epworth participates in Rotary's Adopt-a-family program.
Last year Epworth adopted twenty five families, and five, food only families. Epworth will again provide for many area families. There are a variety of ways that you can participate in this ministry, including purchasing and wrapping a new toy and/or new clothing outfit for children of adopted families. Other items needed include grocery items, personal hygiene items, laundry detergent, etc. There is also a need for help in overseeing the boxes for each family, insuring that all the needed items are there and helping to distribute the boxes. As always, cash donations help to purchase items which are not donated. A box will be in the narthex for your donations |